Cherry shaker wall clock.
Cherry shaker wall clock.
Cherry Danish-style bed.
Douglas fir rustic mantel.
Douglas fir rustic mantel.
Oak steamer trunk, but from plans by Rockler.
Oak platform bed with paneled headboard and integrated drawer storage.
Oak platform bed with paneled headboard and integrated drawer storage.
Mahogany cigar humidor with Spanish cedar lining.
Cherry jewelry box.
Cherry jewelry box.
Mahogany keepsake box with curved sides and top. Note the dovetails cut on the curved corners.
Oak rocking chair. This was built as an exact duplicate of a chair the customer already owned. They liked it so much they always wanted a second so they could have two on their porch.
Oak rocking chair. This was built as an exact duplicate of a chair the customer already owned. They liked it so much they always wanted a second so they could have two on their porch.
Maple barn-board style platform bed
Solid cherry map table with glass topk.
Solid cherry map table with glass top.